
Tuesday, September 22

A Few of my Favorite Words

Part One: Life LXXXIX

A WORD is dead

When it is said,

Some say.

I say it just

Begins to live

That day.

Emily Dickinson (1830–86).

If writing is all about gluing words together in new ways that make me giggle... I need to get some really great words... and so my journey beings...
(I've also been reading some really hilarious, helpful, inspiring blogs with ubercool names and pictures and I'm drooling in my coffee...)

So, I have to admit I really want an ubercool blog name too (pick me! pick me!) so I went on a hunt for words toget some ideas...
Try it. Send me your favorite words. I just googled "verbs" and here are some verbs that make me happy... I kind of made a poem out of them. Here it is:

Verbs I Like Poem
accept. admire. appreciate
gather. giggle. glow.
sip. satisfy. scribble.
start. finish. just finish something, for goodness sake…
listen (as in: stop talking and)
connect. care. color. camp.
reflect. rejoice. relax. radiate.
pray. paint. play.
wander. wish. whisper.
encourage. enjoy
snuggle. sip. nest.
invest. give. grow.
delight. discover. dream.
hope. hold. overflow
take the leap.
live. learn.

My mind is running amuck with ideas forpaintings right now...
What are your favorite words?

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