
Saturday, January 19

31 Days of Scripture Art Journaling::Day 8: Art Journaling Inspiration From Really Great People

***I'm going to finish this series, just not in 31 days...***

Exciting News:  My art journal will be featured  in
Cloth Paper Scissors online art journaling ezine: Exposed ***

Day 8: Art Journaling Inspiration From Really Great People

I almost skipped this post and went right into creating
a mixed media scripture art journal.
But I didn't.
Because I wanted to share with you how I got started art journaling.
It all started with this Teesha Moore series of videos.
I'm warning you now. It's hard to stop watching.
I just love to see other people's process.
I like these tutorials.
and Christy Tomlinson has great tutorials
and Diane Marra has great tutorials with scripture.
I love the way she figures out the scripture through journaling.

There are SO many great resources for journaling that I want to share with you.
but more than resources, is the amazing, supportive community of people
to share this journey with, which make it way more fun.

Get Started Art Journaling

Here are GREAT resources to get started for free
Julie Balzer 
Daisy Yellow 
Mary Freeman
Dina Wakely
Robin Marie

Learn from the Pros
Take an art journaling class!

There is plenty of information out there without taking a class,
but there's nothing like a class to light your fire
& give you assignments & deadlines & take your hand
& guide you step by step & provide a safe place to share your work.
Now, how's that for a run on sentence?
I haven't taken these classes, but I want to.
These are just a few. There are so many great classes out there.

Anything by MaryAnn Moss
or Christy Tomlinson
21 Secrets
Getting Started
The Journey Within

Share Your Work

It's one of the the most important part.
Sharing your work is about much more than
simply sharing your work.
It's about being practicing being brave.
It's about making connections.
It's about silencing the gremlins and accepting who you are and
where you are in your journey right this very second.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
And it's not just about art.
It's about all of you.

And as you begin to take baby steps in being brave in art
it will overflow into other areas of your life.
work. relationships. health.
crazy areas that you've before never connected.

Word Art Wednesday
Balzer Designs (on Fridays)

So just start small.
Take a baby step or two, and just keep walking.


  1. Good morning, Erin. I always love your posts and am forever inspired by your encouraging words and honesty and beautiful artwork. I smiled as I read this, and your list of art journaling gurus, and then saw my own name. I don't know how to tell you...but, well, I am sobbing now. Life has been hard, and yes beautiful too, but harder lately...but when I work in my journal, I feel so truly in the moment, where God would like me to feel His love and to learn Trust. Thank you for absolutely Making my day. My fears this morning will go back to my Word, my work, to TRUST more and learn greater faith. Thank you, Erin. Love you, kathy

  2. And PS. congratulations on aother publication! You rock!...and balance family and work and art so beautifully.K
